Otatsumetatsu Rock
雄龍雌龍の岩(おたつめたつのいわ)A rock that is the subject of a legend. The legend goes that a couple called Tatsug…
板敷鼻(いたじきばな)Itajikibana consists of a flat section like paving stones of about 10 tatami mats in size and a…
Kanehama Coast
鉄浜海岸(かねはまかいがん)The Kanehama Coast ("Iron Beach Coast") was given this name because iron sand has been ga…
Cluster of Wild Cyathea Spinulosa
ヘゴ自生群落Cyathea spinulosa is a tropical and subtropical pteridophyte. It is found in low temperature forests with…
Arch of Sea Fig
アコウのアーチA rare sea fig that has grown just like a tunnel above the road. Of course, you can drive under the arc…
Banyan Trees of Sumiyoshi
住吉のカジュマルA tall evergreen tree in the Morcaeae family. Tanegashima is the northern limit for this tree. It pro…
天女ヶ倉(あまめがくら)A spot with a superb view overlooking the Pacific Ocean.Amamegakura ShrineAmamegaukura Shrine…
Kishigasaki Lighthouse
喜志鹿崎灯台(きしがさきとうだい)The northernmost tip of Tanegashima. You can see the Osumi Peninsula and Mt. Kaimon…